About Lauren

Lauren created the Take Heart: Love Lauren blog in her sophomore year of college as a way to share reflections, learnings, and experiences with family and friends far and near.

 Many of Lauren's loves are reflected in her writings: community, nature, travel, and a passion for story-telling. She spent nearly three years living in intentional communities, two years living abroad in New Zealand, and worked in outdoor educational settings that emphasized "stepping outside of your comfort zone." You don't have to imagine the stories she has to tell from those experiences, you can read them here!

While times haven't always been easy (see Panic Zone), Lauren hopes her writings can be a source of hope and blessing to all who read them. She encourages vulnerability and honest discussion in an age of picture-perfect social media accounts and angry political posts. If she can, she hopes to challenge you towards growth, learning, and to take heart, no matter where you are in life.

And have fun! Hopefully Lauren's bouts of humor (i.e. Kylo Ren) aren't completely lost on you.

Want to read more? Check out some of Lauren's published works here.


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